ExifTool Question

John Miller johnmiller1950 at zoominternet.net
Fri Jun 27 04:52:36 EDT 2008

Greetings All,

I am writing a program that allows the user to add a caption for a  
jpg image.  Right, now, that caption is being written into a text  
file that sits alongside the image file.  My beta testers are not  
happy with this solution. So, I would like to be able to include a  
short caption as metdata in the jpg file.  From the archives, it  
appears that using ExifTool by Phil Harvey is the way to go.  I have  
read dozens of archived e-mails on this topic that are W-A-Y over my  

1. How does one attach a copy of ExifTool as an application bundle in  

2. Can someone provide a sample scripts that would show me how to use  
ExifTool to ...
	A. Import the jpg file

	B. Add the metadata

	C. Export the altered jpg file

3. On a related topic (at least I think it is related), how does one  
attach a font to a stack so it becomes a part of the standalone app  
so that my users don't have to install a copy onto their machines?

Thanks in advance for your help.
John Miller

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