Collection of one- and few-liners? (was: Where is the web site?)

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Wed Jun 25 15:07:39 EDT 2008

On Sun Jun 22, 2008, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Hi James,
> Are you looking for something like this?
> on mouseUp
>     select word clickedWord() of me
> end mouseUp
> function clickedWord
>     put the clickChunk into myChunk
>     return number of words of \
>     (char 1 to (word 2 of myChunk) of the text of the target)
> end clickedWord

This is by several dimensions better than James's and my own 
"kludge"-solution. I had something similar in the back of my mind - I 
think it was from Jacqueline - but I could not find it among my stored 
script examples.

This brings me to to the question: Is there anywhere a collection of 
useful one-liners and "few-liners"? If there isn't one, should we 
establish one and where should we put it for public access?

What about Hugh Senior's Scripter's Scrapbook?


Wilhelm Sanke

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