Detect colour beneath an img object

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Fri Jun 20 16:09:23 EDT 2008

Bonjour Barry,

Would the mouseColor function make the job:
Returns the color of the pixel that the mouse pointer is over.

Le 20 juin 08 à 21:25, Barry Barber a écrit :

> Hello all,
> This question will probably (I hope) be easier for some of you to  
> answer than for me to formulate!
> I am trying to detect when the colour changes below the loc of an  
> image (png) object lying
> above another of the same type. The catch is that the top img would  
> "see" the underlying colour
> through a transparent hole in another png which is on an  
> intermediate level between the two of them!
> To put it another way:  there are three png images directly  
> superimposed, the one on the middle
> layer has a 'hole' or 'window' in it and I need the top layer to  
> detect when it is over the window (i.e., detect the change in  
> colour beneath it's loc).
> Here's hoping!
> Barry Barber

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
Email: eric.chatonet at

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