SPAM-MED: Re: Time to upgrade my technique...

Phil Davis revdev at
Tue Jun 10 13:49:47 EDT 2008

Wow - another former PL/1 programmer! I thought I was the only one left, 
except at the Rev conference I learned that Robert Cailliau also used it 
in earlier days.

Phil Davis

Jim Carwardine wrote:
> Thanks, guys... Shame on me for using fields instead of variables.  I 
> knew that one.  That is an original 1987 HC self-learning (that 
> reflects my PL1 days in the early 70's believe it or not) that I have 
> fought ever since.
> Now, to rewrite and relearn... Jim
> On 10-Jun-08, at 12:55 PM, Jim Ault wrote:
>> Here are some skeleton techniques that can be applied to your set of 
>> tasks.
>> <full listing of original appears below my code>
>> Jim Ault
>> Las Vegas
>> ----------------- start code -------------
>> on doJimsTasks
>>  --Jim Ault    6.10.08    for    Jim Cowardine
>>  --partial script to show techniques
>>  --will not run, but shows example techniques
>>  --this is not the only way to build a fast Rev routine
>>  put fld 1 into mainList  --use variables in RAM
>>  put 0 into i
>>  put 1 into j
>>  put empty into eventOutputList --final listing
>>  put empty into currentEvent -- each line we want to fill
>>  --this is added to eventOutputList at the end of the loop
>>  --then eventOutputList is put into field 2 at the finish
>>  --set up a comma listing of keywords for later
>>  put "Dartmouth,Burnside,Bedford,Sackville,Kentville," into cityList
>>  put "Port  Hawksbury,Truro,Bridgewater,Tantallon," after cityList
>>  put "Glen Haven,Hubbards,Bayers Lake,Cole  Harbour" after cityList
>>  --now create a list of only those lines that qualify
>>  filter mainList with "*BEGIN:VEVENT*"
>>  --now the only lines remaining are the ones we want
>>  put mainList into keepers --this is a better name, but optional
>>  -- I use LNN to be the unmodifiable variable to read
>>  repeat for each line LNN in keepers
>>    add 1 to i
>>    if LNN contains "SUMMARY" then
>>    end if
>>    if LNN contains "LOCATION" then
>>    end if
>>    if LNN contains "DSTART" then
>>    end if
>>    if LNN contains "END:VEVENT" then
>>    end if
>>    if holdLine is 1 then
>>      put eventDate into item 2 of currentEvent
>>      put locationName into item 5 of currentEvent
>>      set the itemDel to comma
>>      if item 5 of currentEvent is among the items of cityList then
>>        put item 5 of currentEvent into item 6 of currentEvent
>>      end if
>>      put currentEvent into line j of eventOuputList
>>    end repeat
>>    put eventOuputList into field 2
>>    set the itemdelimiter to ","
>>    sort lines of field 2 by item 7 of each
>>    sort lines of field 2 dateTime by item 2 of each
>>  end doJimsTasks
>> ------------  end code  -----------------
>> On 6/10/08 7:53 AM, "Jim Carwardine" <jim at> wrote:
>>> Hi Folks... I hope this isn't asking too much.  I have found using the
>>> docs to be less than satisfying when trying an alternative coding
>>> technique.  I guess I fall into the old dog, actually the old
>>> Hypercard dog, trying to learn the new Rev tricks.
>>> I just wrote a quick and dirty script to parse out an iCal calendar
>>> saved as a text file to feed my car expense calculator which was
>>> published a few months ago in a Rev newsletter.  The script is very
>>> slow and I was intrigued to know how to speed it up as I am aware that
>>> I am using very archaic scripting techniques.
>>> Here is my script.  It's relatively short and contains almost all of
>>> my favourite coding patterns.  If anyone has the inclination, perhaps
>>> you could point out how I might make use of Revs improvements over
>>> Hypercard...
>>> It has to do with better ways to handle repeating actions and better
>>> ways to handle lists... Thanks in advance... Jim
>>> --> all handlers
>>> on mouseUp
>>>     put 0 into eventMark -- didn't end up using this for anything by
>>> a switch
>>>     put 1 into j
>>>     put empty into eventLine
>>>     put empty into field 2
>>>     repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of field 1
>>>         if line i of field 1 contains "BEGIN:VEVENT" then -- found an
>>> event
>>>             put 1 into eventMark
>>>             next repeat
>>>         end if
>>>         if eventMark > 0 then -- we are parsing an event now
>>>             breakpoint
>>>             if line i of field 1 contains "SUMMARY:" then -- found
>>> the event name
>>>                 put 2 into eventMark
>>>                 set the itemdelimiter to ":"
>>>                 put item 2 of line i of field 1 into eventName --
>>> hold event name
>>>                 next repeat
>>>             end if
>>>             if line i of field 1 contains "LOCATION:" then -- found
>>> the event location
>>>                 put 3 into eventMark
>>>                 if line i of field 1 contains "\," then replace "\, "
>>> with " " in line i of field 1
>>>                 set the itemdelimiter to ":"
>>>                 put item 2 of line i of field 1 into locationName --
>>> hold event location
>>>                 next repeat
>>>             end if
>>>             if line i of field 1 contains "DTSTART;" then -- found
>>> the event location
>>>                 put 4 into eventMark
>>>                 set the itemdelimiter to ":"
>>>                 put char 1 to 4 of item 2 of line i of field 1 into
>>> eventYear -- hold event year - yyyymmdd
>>>                 put char 5 to 6 of item 2 of line i of field 1 into
>>> eventMonth -- hold event month - yyyymmdd
>>>                 put char 7 to 8 of item 2 of line i of field 1 into
>>> eventDay -- hold event day - yyyymmdd
>>>                 put char 10 to 13 of item 2 of line i of field 1 into
>>> eventTime -- hold event time
>>>                 next repeat
>>>             end if
>>>         end if
>>>         if line i of field 1 contains "END:VEVENT" then -- found an
>>> event ending
>>>             set itemdelimiter to ","
>>>             if eventYear = "2007" then
>>>                 -- if eventMonth ≥ "10" then
>>>                 put eventMonth & "/" & eventDay & "/" & eventYear
>>> into eventDate
>>>                 put 1 into holdLine
>>>                 -- else put 0 into holdLine
>>>             else put 0 into holdLine
>>>             if holdLine is 1 then
>>>                 put eventDate into item 2 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if locationName is empty then put "Halifax" into
>>> locationName
>>>                 put locationName into item 5 of line j of field 2
>>>                 put " - " & eventName after item 5 of line j of field 2
>>>                 put empty into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Dartmouth"
>>> then put "Dartmouth" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Burnside"
>>> then put "Burnside" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Bedford"
>>> then put "Bedford" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Sackville"
>>> then put "Sackville" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Kentville"
>>> then put "Kentville" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Port
>>> Hawksbury" then put "Port Hawksbury" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Truro" then
>>> put "Truro" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Bridgewater"
>>> then put "Bridgewater" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Tantallon"
>>> then put "Tantallon" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Glen Haven"
>>> then put "Glen Haven" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Hubbards"
>>> then put "Hubbards" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Bayers Lake"
>>> then put "Bayers Lake" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "Cole
>>> Harbour" then put "Cole Harbour" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if item 5 of line j of field 2 contains "airport"
>>> then put "airport" into item 6 of line j of field 2
>>>                 put eventTime into item 7 of line j of field 2
>>>                 if line j of field 2 contains "\" then replace "\"
>>> with empty in line j of field 2
>>>                 put return after line j of field 2
>>>                 add 1 to j
>>>                 put empty into eventDate
>>>                 put empty into locationName
>>>                 put empty into eventName
>>>                 put empty into eventYear
>>>                 put empty into eventMonth
>>>                 put empty into eventDay
>>>                 put empty into eventTime
>>>             end if
>>>             put 0 into eventMark
>>>             -- end if
>>>         end if
>>>         if the optionkey is "down" then exit repeat
>>>     end repeat
>>>     set the itemdelimiter to ","
>>>     sort lines of field 2 by item 7 of each
>>>     sort lines of field 2 dateTime by item 2 of each
>>> end mouseUp
>>> Jim Carwardine,
>>> President & CEO
>>> OYF Consulting
>>> Ph. 902.823.2339 / 866.601.2339
>>> Fx. 902.823-2139
>>> <>
>>> StrategicDoing™: Execution depends on employees.
>>> Strategic Partner with HiringSmart Canada Ltd.
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> Jim Carwardine,
> President & CEO
> OYF Consulting
> Ph. 902.823.2339 / 866.601.2339
> Fx. 902.823-2139
> <>
> StrategicDoing™: Execution depends on employees.
> Strategic Partner with HiringSmart Canada Ltd.

Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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