A Little Menu Issue

Len Morgan len-morgan at crcom.net
Sat Jul 19 11:14:59 EDT 2008

The most frustrating thing about Rev is how it makes me feel like a 
complete idiot sometimes!

I'm trying to implement a popup menu and it's just not working right. I 
read and reread the script conference and have done everything exactly 
as it was written there.

My problem is I can get the menu to display but it never goes away and 
doesn't seem to call my menuPick handler either.

I have the menu in a hidden button on the one and only card in my 
stack.  I have a scrolling field that contains employee numbers and 
their names, one per line.  What I want to do is:

If the user right clicks on a name or number, popup my menu and let them 
select "Add, Delete, Edit" and then be able to popup another stack that 
let's them make the appropriate change.  Like I said, a right click WILL 
popup the menu and it does highlight the selection I'm making but the 
menu never goes away and locks up everything.

It should be noted that I put a debug statement just before and just 
after the "popup button mybutton" command and when I right click on the 
field, both messages get printed before I have selected ANYTHING from 
the popup menu.  It appears like the popup command is sent but it 
immediately returns to the calling handler (in my case, the right-click 
in the scrolling field).

What could be up with this?  My field has a mouseUp handler for the 
right click, and my button has a menuPick handler for the choice.

Also, is there a way I can pass the line that was clicked on to the 
popup command so that when a choice is made, my little "editor" can have 
the number and name of the person that was selected?  Alternatively, can 
I pass back the selection that was made to the field mouseUp handler and 
let it remember which line the mouse was clicked on?

Thank you!

len morgan

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