Persistent edit mode

Mikey mikeythek at
Mon Jul 14 22:21:00 EDT 2008

Ask your client to drag down, not just right, to clear.  Also ask client to
try clicking on a button.  I've seen cases on XP where the OS doesn't get
the equivalent of a mouseUp message, or gets the left and right mouse
buttons confused.

So after trying the above, try right-clicking and see what happens.

On my lappie, for instance, if I sleep it instead of hibernating, it will
sometimes confuse the keyboard return key with the keypad enter key.  It
will also mix the mouse buttons.  Hibernating seems to fix this for me.

I'm guessing it's a funky driver/OS issue, and it could take quite a while
to figure it out (in my case it took a couple of years before I finally
stumbled on the hibernate/sleep problem)

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