Little Transcript Help Over Here, Please

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Thu Jul 3 00:26:37 EDT 2008

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 1:56 PM, Mikey <mikeythek at> wrote:
> If I do the following in a script:
> put "north" into theButton
> global status
> put the hilite of bg button theButton into status
> and check status, I get the value I expect, namely the hilite of the bg
> button North.
> However, if I
> if the hilite of bg button theButton then
> OR
> if (the hilite of bg button theButton) then
> I get a message execution error:  Error Description:  Chunk:  no such
> object.

Unless you are using a stack that has been imported from Hypercard, HC
addressing should be off and there would be no need to include the
"bg". However while I can see how this would confuse the engine
(unless your North button is in the first background or group on the
card), I can't see why it works the first way.

Anyhow, try removing all the "bg" references and seeing if that fixes it.


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