How broke is the Player?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Jul 2 16:25:14 EDT 2008

Hugh Senior wrote:

 >> I dont have a penny!... You happy now?

> Dear Randall,
> Thank you for your reply; sort and to the point.
> Unfortunately I am unsure of what point you are in fact making, nor 
> whether my well-being has any influence on either development 
> environment. Nevertheless, your financial impecuniosity regarding the 
> issue is taken in spirit and your concern for my personal state of mind 
> is similarly heart-warming, if not entirely productive.

LOL! This is pretty funny. I suspect the original poster had downloaded 
the trial, didn't know he was subscribed to the list, and was responding 
to one of RR's auto-emails regarding a purchase offer. He probably 
didn't even know he was replying to the list.

Your response really did make me laugh out loud though.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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