Delete lines in files (text files)

Devin Asay devin_asay at
Fri Jan 18 10:31:25 EST 2008

On Jan 17, 2008, at 11:22 PM, Till Bandi wrote:

> I guess that would be a good solution - my only problem is that the  
> file has 5.6 Gigabytes. So I can't put it all in memory.
> My real problem is here:
>     put 1 into vStartwert
>     set the cursor to watch
>     open file tFileIn
>     open file tFileOut
>     repeat forever
>         read from file tFileIn at vStartwert for 1000000 lines
>         put it into vChunk
>         replace ";" with tab in vChunk
>         replace "," with "." in vChunk
>         write vChunk to  file vFileOut at end
>         add number of chars of vChunk to vStartwert
>     end repeat
>     close file tFileIn
>     close file tFileOut
> This works until the output file reaches 2 Gigabytes. So I think  
> vStartwert is getting to big and doesn't work anymore. Therefore I  
> wanted to delete
> the Lines I already treated in the input file so I could always  
> start at the first line.
> Maybe there is a better solution?

As you know you can read in large chunks of the file in sequence and  
write it out to a second file without having to have the whole file  
in memory all at once (which is the main drawback of using URLs as  
opposed to file read/writes.) What if you broke up the file into  
manageable chunks before you did any processing? Something like  

read in 1000000 lines from bigFile
write out 1000000 lines to destFile1
read in next 1000000 lines from bigFile
write out 1000000 lines to destFile2

Then process each destFileN separately, and recombine them when  
you're finished?


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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