about the message path

Thierry 00bioarchimed at free.fr
Fri Feb 29 03:22:49 EST 2008


Bonjour Eric,

>> .....
>> how the plugin concept fit into the message hierarchy ?
> Actually a plugin is a stack like any another one but...

Yes, but, as you say  :-)

> If you look at 'Plugin Settings' in 'Development' menu, you'll see  
> that a plugin is able to receive a lot of specific messages like  
> revMouseMove or revSelectionChanged: this means that these system  
> messages (mouseMove or selectionChanged) will be sent to the  
> default stack but to your plugin too(using the rev prefix)  to let  
> you act accordingly.

When you say a lot of specific messages,
  do you mean only those described in the plugin settings window,
or even others or even all rev messages available ?

> These messages are sent to the plugin stack when specified  
> (actually there are some custom properties set by the IDE in the  
> plugin stack that allow this: I am not going to be more precise  
> unless you need it :-)

Are you talking about cRevLoadInfo property ?
If yes, I understand  what you mean...

> But to be frank, it's never as simple as it appears...

To be also frank, I never thought it was that simple....

> Nevertheless, hope this helps.

Oui, merci beaucoup !
But, I'm still stuck with the message hierarchy ?
Let me take a simple example ( it's just an example ) :

I would like to offer a Service to the Rev developper.
Have handlers like StartCoffeeMachine, StopCoffeeMachine,
and then a bunch of buttons and field for preferences.

How do I state that this handlers are available everywhere ?

what about writing one more of your nice tutorials ?


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