upgrade pricing

viktoras didziulis viktoras at ekoinf.net
Wed Feb 20 02:56:45 EST 2008

i just noticed that for those who buy/upgrade Revolution in February the 
package comes with a free set of icons (http://miryesoftware.ning.com/). 
Unfortunately I renewed my license just 3 days before February, so no 
icons for me and I will continue using open source Tango and Crystal 
icon libraries. However it would be nice to hear that from 2.9 or 3.0 
onwards any paying customer would receive a "default" library of icons 
with each Revolution download :-). While it is not a big chalenge for me 
anymore, I guess it would be very encouraging for any new customer new 
in software development with Rev to have a complete set of tools to 
start learning and working with at once.

All the best!

Stephen Barncard wrote:
> I'd say the 2.9 release is very close....the DP-4 beta rocks with just 
> a few things to fix.
> This release has a lot more value of a .1 release (the numbering 
> system was redone to accomodate the future  features in the next big 
> release 3.0).
> for all practical purposes there are so many fixes and new features 
> addes since 2.8.1 that one can't really pigeonhole the progress made 
> by calling it a "point-release".  2.9 will be the most solid, feature 
> packed release yet.
> Besides, sooner or later you'll want 3.0 which is expected perhaps by 
> the middle of this year.  (Remember 'Revolution Live' was rescheduled 
> to accomodate the announcement, if not release of version 3.0.)
> The stuff that's coming is awesome! Due to an NDA, I can't mention 
> what -- and if one is really curious then one will have to go to Las 
> Vegas this summer.  -- or join the beta testers.
>> Do we have a date for the 2.9 release? I am anxiously waiting!
>> Neal

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