Substack command don't reach main stack when executed as Standalone ,

Pierre pierre.bernaert at
Wed Feb 13 12:10:18 EST 2008

I have a main stack with several substacks using KeyBoard input and  
Control handlers stored in Main Stack.

During development everything goes right.

When running the StandAlone I can't run these Handlers.

I'm using Rev Enterprise V 2.8.1 with Mac OS X.4.10 on a Mac Mini

I tried to put this handler at SubStack Script's  level:

"on SaisieChamp NomChamp, NomStack
     answer "Stack Script 'Saisie Rapide'"                     ==> I  
can get the the question under Revolution and not when running  
     pass SaisieChamp
end SaisieChamp"

I Put the same handler à Stack Script's level:

"on SaisieChamp NomChamp, NomStack
     global GRéponseChoix

     answer "Script Stack Compta" & return & "NomChamp = " & NomChamp  
& return & "NomStack = " & NomStack          ==> I don't get the  
question when running Standalone

I verified though the "Stack Inspector", substack is defined as  
"Substack" of the

Do I have something to do in "Stack Files" of "Stack Inspector" of  
the Main Stack ?

Has any one an idea of what goes wrong, what must I verify  or do?

Many thanks for helping


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