Filter JPEG files in MACOSX

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Sat Dec 27 10:46:51 EST 2008

Bonjour Paolo,

answer file "Select the images you wish to view:" with type "JPEG  
works well here even with files saved in Preview that, effectively,  
lets the filetype empty as it is visible using File Buddy.
Suppressing file extension and turning off 'Show extensions' in  
Finder prefs still allows to have this kind of file showing up in the  
answer file dialog.
I think it's due to the formulation abobe that adds 'JPEG Images'.

Le 27 déc. 08 à 16:24, paolo a écrit :

> Filter jpeg files in MACOSX
> How can I filter the files created by the application Preview  and  
> saved as JPEG?
> According to the Rev documentation I should use either there two  
> commands:
>    answer file "SELEZIONA" of type "JPEG"
>    answer file "SELEZIONA" with filter "JPEGs,*.jpg"
> Unfortunately both of them do not work .As far as I know, the first  
> one does not work because  the application  Preview from Apple does  
> not set the filetype to JPEG even if you choose to save the image  
> as JPEG.  (crazy)
> The second one does not work because  even if the file has the  
> extension .jpg,  in the contextual menu the extension of that file  
> disappear.
> Why?

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
Email: eric.chatonet at

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