backscript and custom properties
Jacques Hausser
jacques.hausser at
Wed Dec 24 06:10:34 EST 2008
If not a bug, it's very close to it: if you modify the content of the
CP in the inspector, for my example by adding "The small mammal
species " at the beginning of the first line, the CP becomes "The
small mammal species Microtus agrestis lives in marshy meadows" and
the lines 2 and 3 are lost...
The only secure way if you want to modify the CP in the inspector it
to rewrite it entirely (and then to change some references in the
getprop if necessary).
Le 24 déc. 2008 à 04:38, Mark Smith a écrit :
> Jaques, apologies for replying to what I thought you wrote instead
> of what you actually wrote :)
> I've just tried something similar to what you describe, and you're
> right! I never knew this - I guess this is because the property
> inspector is simply another stack that does it's stuff in it's own
> script rather than some behind-behand-the-scenes engine function. I
> think I'd agree that it's not necessarily desirable - I wonder if
> it's worth calling it a bug?
> Best,
> Mark
> On 23 Dec 2008, at 23:18, Jacques Hausser wrote:
>> Thank you Mark,
>> I didn't speak about setprop (it's perfectly logic, even if not
>> compulsory, that a setprop would modify a property) , but about a
>> getprop, which, in this case, doesn't change the CP - I tried
>> that: a CP consisting of a basic sentence in a first line, say
>> "xxxx is living in yyyy - right or false ?", a second line with a
>> list of species names sparated by comma and a third line with a
>> list of biotops separated by comma. The getprop takes randomly an
>> item in the second line to replace xxxx and an item in the third
>> line to replace yyyy. And when you look at the property in the
>> inspector you read at the first line something (different each
>> time) like
>> "Microtus agrestis is living in marshy meadows - right or false ?".
>> That's exactly what I want when running the stack, but I would like
>> to see "xxxx is living in yyyy - right or false ?" in the inspector
>> - that is the real content of the CP (the "pure" CP ;o))
>> My example is perfectly stupid, because it would be far simpler to
>> drop the getprop and to put it's statements into the function but
>> well, it's only an example, and it works... the button's back
>> script is:
>> function DisplayQuestion
>> return the question of me
>> end displayquestion
>> getprop the question
>> put line 1 of the question of me into laquestion
>> put item (random(30)) of line 2 of the question of me into word
>> 1 of laquestion
>> put item (random(21)) of line 3 of the question of me into word
>> 5 of laquestion
>> return laquestion
>> end the question
>> and anywhere in the stack:
>> put DisplayQuestion() into fld "SuchAndSuch"
>> I was just amazed to discover it was possible to use CPs and
>> getprop in a backscript... after all, the command is not "Insert
>> button "truc" into back" but "Insert the script of button "truc"
>> into back"...
>> Jacques
>> Le 23 déc. 2008 à 20:51, Mark Smith a écrit :
>>> Jaques, you're right - the script can still refer to 'me'. I use
>>> buttons as libraries quite often, and the fact that a button's CPs
>>> are available can be very useful.
>>> I don't tend to use getProp and setProp handlers in those 'button'
>>> libraries much - you'd still have to refer to the button's name or
>>> ID, and I generally just want a libraries commands and function
>>> available.
>>> I'm not sure what you'd expect a setProp handler to do other than
>>> modify a property, so I don't think I understand what you mean by
>>> a 'pure' custom property...
>>> Best,
>>> Mark
>>> On 23 Dec 2008, at 17:45, Jacques Hausser wrote:
>>>> Hello everybody
>>>> I just discovered accidentally that when a button's script is
>>>> inserted as a backscript, it doesn't go there alone, but takes
>>>> with it its custom properties, getprop and tutti quanti.
>>>> That could be very useful... Has somebody some experience with
>>>> this feature ?
>>>> (I discovered also that the inspector doesn't display the "pure"
>>>> custom property, but the property as modified by the getprop...
>>>> that is perhaps not so good).
>>>> Happy Christmas (or any other solstice-linked celebration) to you.
>>>> Jacques
>>>> ******************************************
>>>> Prof. Jacques Hausser
>>>> Department of Ecology and Evolution
>>>> Biophore / Sorge
>>>> University of Lausanne
>>>> CH 1015 Lausanne
>>>> please use my private address:
>>>> 6 route de Burtigny
>>>> CH-1269 Bassins
>>>> tel/fax: ++ 41 22 366 19 40
>>>> mobile: ++ 41 79 757 05 24
>>>> E-Mail: jacques.hausser at
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>> Prof. Jacques Hausser
>> Department of Ecology and Evolution
>> Biophore / Sorge
>> University of Lausanne
>> CH 1015 Lausanne
>> please use my private address:
>> 6 route de Burtigny
>> CH-1269 Bassins
>> tel/fax: ++ 41 22 366 19 40
>> mobile: ++ 41 79 757 05 24
>> E-Mail: jacques.hausser at
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Prof. Jacques Hausser
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Biophore / Sorge
University of Lausanne
CH 1015 Lausanne
please use my private address:
6 route de Burtigny
CH-1269 Bassins
tel/fax: ++ 41 22 366 19 40
mobile: ++ 41 79 757 05 24
E-Mail: jacques.hausser at
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