OT2: The 'realness' of languages

viktoras didziulis viktoras at ekoinf.net
Tue Dec 23 05:24:28 EST 2008

in this situation I would ask to show a portfolio CD or examples of 
software created by the person - the most important thing being 
experience and ability to complete a product in whatever language the 
person feels most comfortable.

I guess it would be also fair to say that GUI will be created using 
Revolution RAD and definitely one can expand it with modules written in 

BTW correct me please, this may be wrong impression, but it looks like 
C++/C adoration is something specific to the USA, isn't it? I know many 
IT companies in my country and elsewhere in Europe who "do not do C" and 
deliver their products (accounting systems, research software, etc...) 
in Delphi, Java, Abap and the fact that they "do not do C" seems having 
zero impact on their successful businesses...

Best wishes!

Peter Alcibiades wrote:
> It still sounds as if you're failing to probe the question/objection, and it
> will be impossible to answer it unless you find out exactly what it is.  Is
> it support?  Is it a concern about robustness?  Is it a matter of internal
> company policy?  What were they expecting it to be written in?  C?  Python? 
> Perl? VB? It will take different things in each case to answer it.
> Imagine someone is delivering a proposal to a company you work for, and when
> asked exactly that same question, replies, it will be written in Scheme. 
> She goes on to explain that she is more productive in Scheme than any other
> language, she can deliver cross platform apps of the sort you are asking for
> in a tenth of the time, and she offers to do an instant demo for you of
> something that would take several hours in C, in about 10 minutes.
> What do you say to her, and what do you think, and what do you say to your
> colleagues when you talk to them about it?

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