open printing, close printing, for print spool job

william humphrey shoreagent at
Sun Dec 14 12:00:11 EST 2008

It's worse even. I'm trying to do

  on printSomeCards

    global cardsToPrint

    open printing with dialog

    if the result is "Cancel" then exit printSomeCards

    repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of cardsToPrint

      print card (line x of cardsToPrint)

    end repeat

    close printing -- send group of cards to printer

  end printSomeCards

But when I do it only the last card gets spooled and printed.

So I do this:

  on printSomeCards

    global cardsToPrint

    open printing with dialog

    if the result is "Cancel" then exit printSomeCards

    repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of cardsToPrint

      print card (line x of cardsToPrint)

close printing

    end repeat

  end printSomeCards

Then all the cars print but not as one nice batch (for example when you
print to a PDF and you want a many page PDF.

I'm using RunRev version 3.0 on Mac OS. Does anyone know how to get the
print spool function to work?

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 12:32 PM, william humphrey <shoreagent at>wrote:

> Does anyone know how to make the print dialog know that you are printing
> more than one page so that it says Processing Page 1, Processing Page 2 etc
> instead of just hanging at Processing Page 1 until it's all done?


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