Revolution on Amazon - Please Discuss, Tag and List

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Thu Dec 11 12:21:14 EST 2008

They got the description wrong on enterprise:

"You select one operating system for development, but can deploy to 
all supported operating systems."

cut and paste has a downside.

I see this all the time.

>Even if you've already purchased Revolution for yourself, tagging, listing,
>discussing etc, these things all increase awareness of Revolution. Amazon
>has also launched a sort of wiki system too, called You can
>also participate in the Amazon associates program too and collect some
>percentage of the sale.
>Raising awareness of Rev on Amazon helps build awareness of Rev in general -
>your involvement would really help out.
>Best regards,
>Lynn Fredricks


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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