Linux Distro choices [was: Ubuntu...etc]
Bob Hartley
rev at
Tue Dec 9 05:17:36 EST 2008
Peter Alcibiades wrote:
> Of course its a thorny issue, and it depends what you want, who you are, and
> what your machine is. I don't think you lose anything by moving from
> Ubuntu. Like many other long term Linux users, I'm a bit baffled by its
> popularity.
I totally agree with what Peter has written. However, I have a couple of
chip in's.
I too never understood the popularity of Ubuntu.
> On old machines try Zenwalk (slackware based and uses Xfce). If this is
> still too slow, try a minimal Debian with fluxbox as the WM. If this is too
> slow, Puppy.
On older machines or even new one's where you want speed try
Vectorlinux. A new V 6 is out soon.
> If you want to learn, really learn, Linux, but do not have unlimited time
> and energy to do it (if you do, Linux from Scratch is the one), get
> Slackware and study the user guide.
Vector is Slacky based
> If you are an active user, but don't like the command line, and speed of
> machine is not an issue, Mandriva. If you can manage with the slightly
> reduced package selection in its repositories, PCLinux is also a sensible
> choice. Mandriva is larger and better resourced, PCL is a bit of a one man
> band, but a very good community. Its derived from Mandriva. But be
> prepared in both cases to do a new install when you want to upgrade, which
> will probably be every couple of years or so. Do not install Mandriva 2009
> if you want to use KDE. In that case use 2008.1 And use the ONE version, not
> the FREE version.
if you download flv's from youtube (I do) then 2008.1 with KDE and
Kaffeine is ideal. I moved to 2009 and kaffeine is sound only. Need to
sort that one.
If you want to your base machine on 2009 then use nxserver and SSH.
Indeed when you get more proficient you will end up getting your desktop
via NXclient-server rather than the normal way (long story).
Another alternative (and slightly behind the times in kernel etc) is
Xandros. It just works out of the box for... well just about everythign.
But you got to pay.
> For them, Mandriva or PCL will be a lot better.
> You should use the 386 not the 64 bit version of Debian, unless you really
> need to address the extra memory.
PCLinuxOS is very good indeed.
> My own strategy with Debian has been, stay with Stable until Testing has
> been in the field for a year or so, and is on RC1 or RC2. Then move to
> Testing. I've had some problems however lately installing the latest build
> of Lenny, which suggest rather that the smart thing is probably to stay with
> Stable all the time. I used to install Mandriva for naive users because it
> was easier to administer, but then discovered that administering it was the
> last thing they had in mind!
Mandriva can be a pain when you get tinto the nuitty gritty, but out of
the box on this corporate network... It detected everything out of the
box (or should that be CD). Much easier that windows.
PS I'm not slagging windows. Unlike many Linux users I think windows is
a good OS.
> Its hard to judge from people's posts, so it would be a hard choice, but
> tentatively, for you, I'd go to Mandriva One 2008.1, KDE version. Or PCL.
> You can try Mandriva out as a live CD first.
> But in the end, for the committed, Debian is where we end up, and if you
> stick with Linux, you'll end up there too. Its just a question of when.
> One day you wake up, look at your machine, and you know this is the time to
> go to Debian.
> Debian or Mandriva will do equally well on laptops.
I aggree. One thing about Ubuntu. As it tries to become a "jack of all
trades" it is becoming slower.
I see that Vector LInux 6 has a new setup and new wifi setup. (wifi
drove me away from it to Xandros back in the old days) so give it a try.
It is really fast.
If it don't work then try Mandriva.
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