
Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Fri Dec 5 11:58:33 EST 2008

Hi Craig,

Welcome to the list. I'm sure you'll see a lot of familiar faces here  
and will quickly feel at home.

The problem with the message box is well-known to me. It is a bug,  
which sometimes occurs and sometimes stays away. I hope it will get  
fixed soon.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 5 dec 2008, at 17:43, dunbarx wrote:

> All;
> Kind of. I am an experienced HC author, trying this rev thing out.
> Spent an hour learning that the message box is married to the stack  
> it was opened with.
> If I create a stack and fool around with the msg box, then go to  
> another stack, all my efforts to do simple tasks fail. Why? Because  
> the names of objects were invalid, since msg was still linked to the  
> earlier stack. I only got a clue to this when I used object numbers  
> instead of names, and of course there it does not matter, and my  
> simple commands worked. I closed msg and reopened it with the second  
> stack in front. No problem.
> My question is, why on earth? And more important, where does it say  
> this anywhere in the docs. At least msg should say so.
> I see the benefits of Rev. I miss the natural, almost perfect  
> transparency of you know what. And I know that thread is old.
> Hello, Jacqueline.
> Craig Newman

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