When they ask, what is this written in?

viktoras didziulis viktoras at ekoinf.net
Tue Dec 2 01:52:22 EST 2008

he knew too few about programming,- maybe it is better to avoid people 
like that, because their expectations sometimes may be unreal. You know, 
there are many Delphi/Pascal programmers around, the language being 
ranked 8th place by its spread and usage, tons of stuff's written in 
that language (in many cases it compiles to faster code than C/C++, 
because it allows to avoid silly mistakes and bugs, etc, etc..) and they 
also tell stories about meeting "knowledgeable experts" asking them to 
do things in C only. And there is nothing you can do about these 
people,- they just are... like people who care more about what car they 
will be riding rather than what is their destination ;-)

all the best

Jim Sims wrote:
> I asked because recently a potential client told me that 'real' programs
> are written in C++  (actually, he said "C"). He had heard of "C", maybe
> even seen it in  a book or a movie like The Matrix. His understanding
> or knowledge of it all stopped there. However, he had money, wanted to
> do something, and 'had to have' "C" - period, end of story.

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