XML Question

David Bovill david at openpartnership.net
Fri Aug 29 06:51:09 EDT 2008

Below is the parsing script. All the tags from the feedML end up in the
arrays. Only the tags with name spaces (ie colons in their names are failing
to be found).

on mouseUp
    put "http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/rss/fortyfoxes/RunRev" into feedXML
    delicious_ParseTaggedUserBookmarks feedXml, metaArray, feedArray,
end mouseUp

on delicious_ParseTaggedUserBookmarks feedXml, @metaArray, @feedArray,
    put revCreateXMLTree(feedXml, true, true, false) into treeID

    set the itemdelimiter to "/"
    put "rss/channel" into startNode

    repeat for each item feedTag in "title/link/description/atom:link"
        put startNode & "/" & feedTag into metaNode
        get revXMLNodeContents(treeID, metaNode)
        put it into metaArray [feedTag]
    end repeat

    put revXMLNumberOfChildren(treeID, startNode, "item", 1) into
    repeat with itemNum = 1 to maxItemNodes
        put "rss/channel/item[" & itemNum & "]" into itemNode

        put revXMLNodeContents(treeID, (itemNode & "/guid")) into idUrl
        put item -1 of idUrl into hashID

        repeat for each item tagName in
            put itemNode & "/" & tagName into itemChildNode
            put revXMLNodeContents(treeID, itemChildNode) into itemValue
            put itemValue into itemArray [tagName]
        end repeat

        put empty into someTags
        put revXMLNumberOfChildren(treeID, itemNode, "category", 1) into
        repeat with catNum = 1 to maxCatNodes
            put itemNode & "/category[" & catNum & "]/" into catNode
            put word 1 to -1 of revXMLNodeContents(treeID, catNode) into
            put text_Utf8Decode(someTag) & comma after someTags
        end repeat
        delete char -1 of someTags

        put someTags into itemArray ["tagList"]
        replace comma with CR in someTags
        put someTags into tagArray [hashID]

        combine itemArray with CR and tab
        put itemArray into feedArray [hashID]
    end repeat

    revDeleteXMLTree treeID
    return feedArray
end delicious_ParseTaggedUserBookmarks

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