XML Question

Malte Brill revolution at derbrill.de
Fri Aug 29 06:25:12 EDT 2008

Hi David,

could you send me the XML you are trying to parse and your script?
I did not bother parsing atom feeds as yet, but have been working with  
XML quite a lot the last 1.5 years.

Taking the example you posted in your previous mail (and adding the  
tag that you said would fail) just parses fine over here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"  
http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:wfw="
http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:rdf="
http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="
http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:cc="http://web.resource.org/ 
	<wfw:commentRss>Just a comment</wfw:commentRss>

Yields this XML Text in Rev:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:content=" http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/ 
" xmlns:wfw=" http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:rdf=" http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# 
" xmlns:dc=" http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:cc="http://web.resource.org/cc/ 
" version="2.0">
   <wfw:commentRss>Just a comment</wfw:commentRss>

So I would like to see an actual feed you are trying to parse and the  
script you are using to do so. Are you trying to parse only a part of  
the feed?

Not that it helps you in anyway, but if you do a google search for  
"atom XML namespaces" shows that people using other environments have  
(or have had) some headaches too.

All the best,


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