Changing text in formatted field

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Aug 21 05:18:34 EDT 2008

Hi Shari,

Using the htmlText property is probably the way to go, but I just want  
to point out the you can put text into a position in a field without  
losing any formatting.

put "bla" into word 2 of fld x
put "bla" into char 1 to 4 of fld x
put "bla" before fld x
put "bla" after fld x

All these lines will not change the formatting of the remaining text  
in the field.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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On 21 aug 2008, at 04:20, Shari wrote:

> The entire field loses it's formatting, not just the changed word.  
> Every word in the field becomes plain text.
> I used:  replace xyz with newText
> I had put specific text that would frequently be updated into the  
> field, so I used placeholder text to swap out.
> Basically what I'm trying to do is create a form letter of sorts on  
> a card, plug in the info and print the card so that it's a nice,  
> neat letter.  In reading thru the archives there were three  
> suggestions on how to do this.
> 1.  Export the info from Rev and bring it into a word processor to  
> make nice letters
> 2.  Use some external program in conjunction with Rev (I don't  
> recall the  name of it)
> 3.  Create a template stack with the letter in it, fill in the info  
> and print it
> I'm opting for number three.  One is too confusing for the users (I  
> already know this from experience, and promised them a one-click  
> solution where Rev does all the work), and two would have to be  
> purchased, another no-no.  So three it is.
> I'm more than willing to use actual HTML if need be, or create an  
> RTF file and have Rev open it, read it, replace the text, and paste  
> it into the card for printing.  I've just never done any of this so  
> I'm kind of muddling.
> I wonder if I could create the template letter in Word, have Word  
> turn it into HTML for me, and store the HTML file in a folder...  
> have Rev open the file, read it, change it, and paste it into the  
> field, then print?
> Shari

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