Mac icon specifications

Chris Sheffield cmsheffield at
Wed Aug 20 12:29:55 EDT 2008

Thanks, Jacque. Good info. I opened the icon in Preview and yes, I see  
all the images. However, they are not all the same. Some of them don't  
appear to have a transparency, and one of them is a perfect square  
where all the rest have rounded corners. So there are some strange  
things. And when I open the icns file in Icon Composer (looks like a  
great tool btw) only the 128x128 size and below load into the image  
wells. There's not 256 or 512 size, even though these display in  
Preview. So something is definitely goofy with the file. I'll report  
these findings to the artist and see what he can do.

Thanks again.


On Aug 20, 2008, at 10:08 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Chris Sheffield wrote:
>> I don't think that's necessary. At least, it never has been in the  
>> past. Specifying an icon to use in the Standalone Application  
>> Settings is supposed to apply that icon to the bundle. I'm pretty  
>> sure it's something in the way the icon is getting created in  
>> IconWorkshop that Rev doesn't like. So I just need someone  
>> (hopefully familiar with IconWorkshop) to tell me how to make it  
>> work. :-)
> If you open the Mac icon file with Preview, are the images there?  
> That won't be a definitive test for the icon file's validity but if  
> they are blank in Preview it would tell you that the file format  
> isn't right.
> There is a free icon tool included with the Developer Tools on the  
> OS X installation CD. You need to install the Developer Tools to see  
> it (it isn't part of a normal installation.) I often use it, it is  
> called "Icon Composer", and it creates Mac icon files in the  
> appropriate format. There's a Photoshop plugin too that many swear  
> by, but it isn't free and I haven't ever tried it. Graphic  
> Converter, a terrific Mac image editor, also has a free version and  
> it creates Mac icon files as well.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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