Property Profiles - differences on Mac and Windows (language issues)

Christian Langers christian.langers at
Mon Aug 18 09:24:23 EDT 2008

Hi Mark,

thanks for your reply....

Well, that means more work to come....

boy !


Le 18 août 08 à 14:30, Mark Schonewille a écrit :

> Hi Christian,
> The text encoding in fields is respected when you move your stack  
> from one platform to another. All text in fields is converted to  
> make it display correctly in other operating systems. Data in  
> properties is not converted, because this would corrupt the data.
> An easy way to overcome this problem might be to save your strings  
> in a field and retrieve the data from this field instead of a custom  
> property.
> The correct way to do this would be to create profiles not only for  
> each language but also for each platform. You would need a number of  
> profiles equal to number of languages times number of platforms.
> For a long time, profiles caused a lot of problems. if you use  
> profiles, I would recommend testing your software extensively, with  
> special attention for profiles, before distributing it.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See 
>  for more info.
> On 18 aug 2008, at 14:09, Christian Langers wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just finished translating my app into 3 languages ; I developped  
>> on a Mac and I wanted to test my app on Windows.
>> Surprise, surprise the objects lables/text in German (Umlauts  
>> mainly) or French (accents) are not respected (instead of Umlauts  
>> you have different symbols) on the Win machine...
>> Everything works fine on my Mac...
>> Is there a way to correct this problem ? Why is the Rev engine not  
>> taking this into account ? or are there ways of doing that I ignore ?
>> Please help ;-)
>> Thx,
>> Christian
>> Luxembourg
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