Media and Rev libraries

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Aug 14 08:28:36 EDT 2008

Hi Shari,

It is supposed to work. Which version of Rev Media do you have?


revPrintField the long id of fld "Some Field"


Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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On 14 aug 2008, at 13:18, Shari wrote:

> Do the rev* specific libraries work with Media?
> There's never been a crystal clear clarification on what limitations  
> Media has, except that it doesn't have access to a number of  
> handlers.  Even Rev apparently doesn't have a list of what those  
> handlers are.  (I asked them.)
> So.... before I spend days trying to figure out why it doesn't work,  
> maybe someone can verify that it will work in Media.
> revPrintField the name of field "someField"
> does anyone know if it works in Media?  I got no error, no feedback  
> from it, just * nothing *.  I did it from within a handler and  
> nothing happened, the printer didn't open, just dead air.
> If I select the field and print from the File menu it prints just  
> fine.  So Rev is talking to the printer successfully.
> If the rev* libraries are in that list of handlers Media cannot use,  
> it would be good to know before attempting to troubleshoot.
> Shari

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