Inheritance ?
Richmond Mathewson
geradamas at
Fri Apr 18 05:27:45 EDT 2008
No, not tax!
I merrily whipped up a few stacks for tinies to cry
over re the Simple Past and the Past Continuous in
English; being a bit forgetful I allowed them to have
a stack backgroundColor of a fairly disgusting purple.
Transported the stacks to the Ubuntu boxes in the
school and, blow me down, the text fields appeared the
purple of the stack backgroundColor (when they did not
on the Mac) . . .
Set the textSize in my fields of the stacks at 32.
When transported them to Ubuntu, while the textSize
for the fields was still 32 the actual contents showed
up at size 12 in some 'neutral' font.
I suffer from an unfortunate obsession with Charcoal,
the 'new' font that came with Mac OS 9; so use it as
my default font in RR. It looks really fantastic at
size 18 in the script editor.
I know that the fonts on my Mac and the fonts on the
Ubuntu boxes are different (rocket science, that
observation), but it is a bother having to go and
reset the font to Bitstream Vera Sans so that the
words mysteriously pop back to size 32.
Questions . . .
1. Do I have to set the backgroundColor in every text
field so that it does not inherit from the stack/card
Why does this seem to behave differently on Mac and
Ubuntu ???
2. Short of porting Charcoal to Ubuntu, or BitStream
Vera Sans to Mac (Sans much sense!), do I have to
write lines of code for every text field so that when
stacks are transferred to Ubuntu they adopt B... Vera
Sans ?
Operating System Terminology.
I recently came across something about how misleading
it is to talk about 'LINUX' (no, I am not about to get
into bed with Richard Stallman and a herd of
wildebeest). Using this term gives an odd impression
of a unified system.
This also lead me, as a bumbling fool, to buy a set of
Test CDs issued by Pearson Longman which the
publishers claim work on 'Linux'; when, in fact, they
seem only to work on Red Hat !!!
Therefore it is better to talk about Ubuntu, Debian,
Knoppix, Red Hat, Blue Underwear and so on (spot the
deliberate mistake).
sincerely, Richmond Mathewson
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