revPrintField seems to be broken still
Peter Alcibiades
palcibiades-first at
Fri Apr 18 04:19:50 EDT 2008
Is this just me? Or does anyone else find that revPrintField fails to work as
it should?
The way it works for me both in Debian and Mandriva is that the page prints at
the same scale and truncates the field, regardless of printer settings. In
Debian, because the printer is not seen by Rev, I have to verify this with
print to file. In Mandriva, the printer is seen, and print Card now works
perfectly with the released version of 2.9, but revPrintField does not.
I have overcome this by writing a little awk script. First we export the
field to a tabbed text file, then we run a shell script which calls awk and
does printf, then we pipe the result to kprinter. You have to make sure you
have the right filter installed for the conversion.
It is truly crazy to have to do this, but it does work. But is it just me, or
should I be filing another bug?
It is also baffling that in Debian, Rev print card brings up a quite different
print dialogue than any other application installed. How can this be
possible? Every other application bar none, and this is quite a richly
populated installation, brings up the standard dialog, the printer is
visible, and it 'just works'. In Rev, and only in Rev, a slightly different
dialog appears in which there is no printer.
Surely Rev should be as robust as say Gedit, Kate and Geany in terms of
finding the printer?
To answer Sarah's question: what did you expect from being a Beta tester? I
expected to get printing working, properly, on all systems. I did get it
improved. But not enough!
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