Lauch more than one document

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sat Apr 5 19:14:07 EDT 2008

Hi Jacque,

I suspect this is impossible, because Rev checks whether the file  
exists before launching it and assumes that the entire parameter is a  
reference to once file. It would be nice if this command took a return  
delimited file list or even multiple file parameters.

Btw, I don't get any error messages and the result is empty, if a file  
doesn't exist, on Mac OS X (see: < 

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

A large collection of scripts for HyperCard, Revolution, SuperCard and  
other programming languages can be found at

On 6 apr 2008, at 00:30, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> Is there a way to send more than one document to the launch command?  
> I couldn't do it, but maybe someone has an idea.

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