Kiosk Question - Lock User In

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sat Sep 15 18:31:42 EDT 2007


Witch and PullTab might help as explained here:

and one might write an external that talks to the SystemUIMode API:

and you could replace the Finder with your own application.  
Unfortunately, Apple seems to have removed the relevant pages.

This looks interesting:

You might find more info if you use your favorite search engine.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 15-sep-2007, om 21:59 heeft Sivakatirswami het volgende geschreven:

> Looks like we have some fun-interesting dev ahead of us
> as there is a request to create a Kiosk style app here for
> all our visitor traffic to interface with... Rev is obviously
> the best tool.
> I have some basic questions
> This will run on a little white 13 Powerbook - Mac OSX
> How do you lock up the machine such that once you boot
> the Rev app, which will be set to take over the whole screen,
> no one can do anything else but interact with your app.
> i.e. a savvy use could hit cmd-tab, call up all running apps
> and choose the finder, hide your app and there she is, face
> to face with the finder-entire-machine and not your app.
> Then of course we need a way for admin to click on something
> and then be granted access to the whole box again.
> Sivakatirswami

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