breakpoint is suddenly being ignored in IDE

flexiblelearning at flexiblelearning at
Fri Sep 14 09:48:02 EDT 2007

Hi Mark

Another instance when breakpoint will be ignored is if the object containing the breakpoint is disabled before the breakpoint occurs.

I had that a couple of days ago and it took me a while to figure out what was happening!

on mouseUp
  set the disabled of me to true
  put "Hello World"
end mouseUp


>The subject line says it all:  breakpoint is failing to break script in the IDE 
>(2.8.0 Windows XP).   As clean test, I create a new button with breakpoint 
>followed by an answer dialog inside a mouseup handler.  The answer dialog 
>appears without interruption.
>Have rebooted.  Have searched docs for some mystery property that disables 
>breakpoint.  No luck.
>Any ideas?

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