Grouping Inside Groups

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed Oct 31 06:48:41 EDT 2007

Hi Sakari Ruoho,

Could you please post your script?

One way to do this is to start editing the background before grouping  

on mouseUp
   start editing group 1
   group btn id 1004 and btn id 1006
   stop editing group
end mouseUp

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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Op 31-okt-2007, om 10:53 heeft Sakari Ruoho het volgende geschreven:

> Hi
> I trying to group objects inside Group with /group/ command to make  
> nested groups. RunRev complains about bad object type, but when I / 
> select/ the object and use/ group/ it works.. also tried /do group/  
> command without success. I can group objects with /group/ / 
> [objectList]/ command, if the objects are not inside a group. Is  
> this a syntax error from me or a feature or what?

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