grouping objects by script problem

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Tue Oct 23 05:37:16 EDT 2007

Hi Ron,

You could try something like:

    local tGrouplist
     repeat with i = 1 to 100
         create graphic ("foo" & i)
         put it && "and" & space after tGrouplist
         -- it contains the long name of the created graphic
     end repeat
     delete last word of tGrouplist -- last 'and'
     do "group" && tGrouplist -- using do is compulsory here
     set the name of last group to "FooGroup" -- if needed

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

Le 23 oct. 07 à 11:09, ron barber a écrit :

> Hi,
> I have been trying to group a set of controls and graphic objects
> after creating them via script but can't seem to find out what I'm
> doing wrong.
> Here's the relevant part of the script:
> repeat
> --do some other stuff here--
>      create graphic tname
>      put "graphic"&&quote&tname&quote & return after grouplist
>     end repeat
> replace return with " and " in grouplist
>  delete last word of grouplist
>  select grouplist
>  group
> the error I get is a problem with the "object expression" at the
> select statement
> grouplist looks like this:
> graphic "g1" and graphic "g2" and graphic "g3" and graphic "g4"
> when I manually enter the above text after the select or group command
> it works - but it doesn't seem to like the variable?
> how do I group a bunch of controls etc on a stack that is created  
> on the fly?
> Thanks
> Ron

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