iSight, video Library

Francois Chaplais francois.chaplais at
Thu Oct 18 16:55:38 EDT 2007

I have a builtin iSight video camera (USB); it works fine in iMovie  
'08, but I can't use it for recording in Revolution


Hardware: latest Mac Book Pro with built in iSight on USB bus

iSight intégrée :

   Version :	1.45
   Alimentation du BUS (mA) :	500
   Vitesse :	Jusqu’à 480 Mb/s
   Fabricant :	Apple Inc.
   Identifiant du produit :	0x8502
   Numéro de série :	E06A9E1F682E36D4 (03.01)
   Identifiant du fournisseur :	0x05ac  (Apple Computer, Inc.)

Software: latest Tiger, rev studio 2.8.1, QT 7.2


a simple button script (and what happens in comments)

on mouseUp
   revInitializeVideoGrabber "videoWin","QT",the rect of stack  
"videoWin" -- window is 640X480
   revVideoGrabDialog "" -- argument is indeed required for dialog;  
dialog provides a functional preview
     revPreviewVideo -- source is iSight; from this until  
"revStopPreviewingVideo" the iSight LED is ON
     wait 2 seconds -- iSight LED is on, but nothing on screen display
     revStopPreviewingVideo -- isight LED goes off
     revCloseVideoGrabber -- video screen area is released
end mouseUp

another one
on mouseUp
   ask file "Please Name you video file"
   if it is not empty then
     revInitializeVideoGrabber "videoWin","QT",the rect of stack  
"videoWin" -- window is 640X480
     revVideoGrabDialog "" -- dialog provides a functional preview
     revRecordVideo it -- isight LED is on
     wait 2 seconds  -- isight LED is on
     revCloseVideoGrabber -- video screen area is released
   end if
end mouseUp
The resulting file is 180 KB is is not viewable by QT

Similar problems? (replacing "QT" by "WFW" does not solve the problem)

Best regards,


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