Send Wake-on-Lan _Packet

Sivakatirswami katir at
Sun Nov 25 16:09:47 EST 2007

Anyone know how to send a "Wake-on-Lan" packet from one machine to another.

I have our little Guestbook Kiosk which is set to be awake on a tight 
schedule and sleeps the rest of the time, but after visiting hours our 
team here will want to get the data so they will need to wake up the 
computer remotely. We don't want to go  around installing Remote Desktop 
Admin on those machines, way over kill, they just need to wake up the 
machine, share the screen for a few minutes, grab a file etc. Since I 
will be building a UI in Rev to deal with the guestbook entries on the 
kiosk box, I would really like a button on the Rev UI, to "Wake Up Kiosk"

Any ideas? I suppose I could get into stack interaoperability, but that 
also seems over kill and I'm not sure that if the rev app on the Kiosk 
will can still "hear" anything on sockets if the machine is sleeping
(um I guess that's a second question).

I also just downloaded an old Wake 550  app for this but is 4 years old 
and adds yet another application to the framework.


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