Windows Display Problems

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Thu Nov 15 10:02:40 EST 2007

Hi Dave,

send "ProgressInitialize theProgressEndValue" to stack "Progress"  
could be written:
send "ProgressInitialize" && theProgressEndValue to stack "Progress"
Assuming that 'theProgressEndValue' is a var... and that nothing  
locks the screen during the process ;-)

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

Le 15 nov. 07 à 14:29, Dave a écrit :

> The progress stack had a number of Command Handlers that get called  
> by the using stack:
> ProgressInitialize - Initializes the Progress Bar and set the  
> Ending Limit in the Scroll Bar.
> ProgressFinalize - Closes the Progress Stack.
> ProgressUpdate  - Sets the Value of the Scroll Bar,
> ProgressSetCaption - Sets a message to be displayed in a field.
> The main stack then works like this:
> go stack "Progress"  --Initially Hiddens
> set the defaultStack to <the name of this stack>
> send "ProgressInitialize theProgressEndValue" to stack "Progress"
> then in a loop:
> ProgressSetCaption("The Caption")
> send "ProgressUpdate "theProgressAmount" to stack "Progress"
> and finally
> send "ProgressFinalize " to stack "Progress"  --Hides the Progress  
> Window and closes it
> That's about it really. This works fine on a mac!

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