Getting around the 2 gig limit

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed May 30 14:56:16 EDT 2007

Richard Gaskin wrote:

> So after all the sturm und drang it turns out the the seek command still 
> works on larger files?

Well, he said he hadn't actually checked his script yet but that the 
engine code indicated it should work. Note that it isn't a plain old 
"seek". It first moves the pointer to the 2-gig mark, then seeks 
relative to that position (minus the 2 gig chunk.) Apparently you have 
to seek in amounts less than 2 gigs.

>     else
>         seek to 2147483647 in file tFile
>         seek rel tFilePosition - 2147483647 in file tFile
>         read from file tFile for tCount
>         put the result into tResult
>         put it into rData
>     end if 

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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