Using Rev to Access MySql over the LAN

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Mon May 14 20:47:03 EDT 2007

Swami -- to see how MySQL works and to experiment, try the thin client


this will help you get examine and change the data, if desired, as 
well as add extra tables. Also Import/export and SQL Dump and upload. 
And a window to directly enter SQL commands.

You could use a web based client, but I think this works better. The 
next level up for the mac would be thin client Navicat.

After getting the client installed, you can immediately play with the syntax.
There's a great documentation of MySQL at

Sarah's stacks are most helpful to 'get' what's happening..

her stack MySQLtests.rev has some of the functionality of CocoaMySQL
and MySQL.rev is a simple command client, both built in Rev.

As far as working within Rev with MySQL - PLEASE check into Trevor's 
SQL library to save a lot of grief...

>I am a dbase newbie and could use a little guidance.
>Context: OSX Server (intel) and Intell Mac Book Pros on the LAN.
>We are using Portfolio from Extensis for content management.
>it builds a MySQL server and dbase on the back end on the
>OSX serve we have and then remote clients on the LAN
>talk to MySQL using OBDC which is running underneath
>the Portfolio client app GUI.
>We would like to build some GUI's in Rev
>to talk directly to the same dbase on the server, for
>a) some global operations (uploading data to records where the
>Extensis UI is somewhat deficient)
>b) some very specifically targeted GUI for reading data
>I would normally just test access in a terminal session first
>to see if things are working... but I don't know how.
>our admin has SSH closed down... but I need a little
>advice on how to make OSX serve, which has MySQL
>running, set up to accept requests coming from
>client machines on the LAN (I think that means
>on the same subnet, but inside the firewall)
>I'm not even sure if I am framing this query
>clearly enough to get a clear answer :-)


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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