ANN] Revolution StandardLib 1.0b1 Posted

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Mon May 14 06:19:46 EDT 2007

Just to say at this stage that I find this whole effort most welcome.  
Of course, despite Ken's caveats, we must all be itching to suggest  
additions to the library (file handling, tables and printing would be  
on my list). I can see that the group has to think very carefully  
about which direction to go in: in fact it probably already has a  
policy about being generally useful and not esoteric as Ken says. One  
issue is whether to allow code that makes up for perceived  
deficiencies in Rev's functionality or implementation (to me, the  
table object is the obvious example here). Where would the best place  
be to discuss this kind of thing?

Anyway, renewed congratulation on the announcement.


On Thu, 10 May 2007 16:31:26 -0500, Ken Ray <kray at>  

> Hello everyone!
> This message is to announce that the RevInterop group
> ( have been working  
> on a
> "Standard Library" for Revolution and a beta version of the library is
> now available. This library, called "stdLib.rev" contains a variety of
> useful functions
> and commands that the initial working group felt
> were very useful for anyone programming in Revolution. However the  
> main
> issue is not the actual code, but whether the first pass at the  
> library
> has a good "core" set of handlers and functions for developers to use.
> The full list of functions/commands, along with a place for providing
> your feedback is at the following Wiki page on the Sons of Thunder web
> site:
> If you are interested in reviewing the handlers in this library,  
> please
> go to the Wiki and add your comments. Just a note of caution, though:
> I'm sure many of you will see what you might
> consider "glaring omissions" or are wondering just why certain  
> handlers
> were included. Please keep in mind that (a) this is a first public  
> pass
> at the library, and (b) we don't want to load the library up with a  
> lot
> of useful, although esoteric, handlers. Of course, that is up to this
> group to work through, so please provide whatever feedback you feel is
> appropriate.
> The end result of this effort will (hopefully) be a common library of
> handlers that
> both experienced developers and newcomers can start to use in their
> development efforts; it may also help RunRev answer the question about
> why there isn't a standard library for Revolution like there is in  
> other
> languages... :-)
Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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