A daft idea about using a printerserver to import video . . .

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Thu May 3 15:37:12 EDT 2007

Luis wrote:

"Well, you could use the Mac as a USB server..."

Umm . . . and how would I go about assigning IP
addresses to the USB ports?


"I don't know what exactly you mean by old Mac
printer/modem. Do you mean  ADB or parallel/serial?"

I mean Serial.

It was perfectly possible to connect 2 pre-PPC Macs
together with a cable that connected the 2 printer

What I would like to do is be able to connect a few
tatty, old Macs I have lurking in my attic in Scotland
to my PPC Mac Mini when I go over there in the summer.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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