Standalone Question

Scott Rossi scott at
Thu May 3 04:36:58 EDT 2007

Recently, Mike Hughes wrote:

> I have noticed an issue where I have a perfectly running Rev project and
> then when I build a standalone from it, parts of the script suddenly fail.
> For example, I seem to have trouble being able to "set the script" of a
> stack in a standalone.

I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure you can't "set scripts" in a
standalone (at least those that total more than 10 lines).  The docs say:

"When using a standalone application, an object's script property may not be
set to a string containing more than ten statements. This limit is set by
line 1 of the scriptLimits function. (This does not limit scripts that are
already written: standalone applications can run scripts of any length.
However, if the standalone attempts to change an object's script property,
and the script contains more than the allowable number of statements, the
attempt to set the script causes an error.)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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