XML Tree and spaces
Nic Prioleau
nickp at didata.bw
Thu May 3 02:38:41 EDT 2007
AH shoot...
Ok thanks everyone for the replys, I know I didn't add enough info here...
So now I am going to just paste my code. Sorry for the lengthy post but it's
about all I can do now...
What I am trying to do is build a tree from certain tables in my DB. So for
instance, I create tags (table names) in my script. I then have a lookup
that grabs all customers from that table, iterates through them and creates
sub nodes to display in the tree.
I used concepts from Sarah's code and also another demo stack I found that
builds the actual tree with icons and wot not.. In Sarah's demo stack
however, she removes spaces (as illegal characters in a "Tag Name"). This is
where the problem comes in because some of the customers in my table have
spaces in their names.
I'm clearly a newbie so I'm sure it's something silly I'm doing but I'd sure
appreciate your assistance but what happens is instead of showing
- Customers
Bokomo Botswana
it only display the first part of the sub node "Bokomo"
the xml below is produced as a result of the code in the mouseUp handler
beneath it. It is then sent to a field whose code is stored in the attached
txt file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Customers IDnum="19">
<Bokomo Botswana>
</Bokomo Botswana>
<Gemini Logistics>
</Gemini Logistics>
on mouseUp
put empty into tTables
if the hilited of btn "Customers" is true then
put "Customers"&comma after tTables
end if
if the last char of tTables is comma then delete the last char of tTables
put empty into fld "XMLText"
put "/allTables" into tParentNode
put "<allTables></allTables>" into tData
get revCreateXMLTree(tData, false, true, false)
checkForError it
-- store the newly created tree's document ID
put it into tDocID
put tDocID into fld "DocID"
repeat for each item thisI in tTables
put format ("SELECT * FROM %s",thisI) into tSQL
get libdb_getTableRecords(theDB, tDataA, tSQL)
catch er
if item 1 of er = "lidberr" then
delete item 1 of er
answer "Database error:"&& er
exit to top
answer "An Error Occurred:" && er
exit to top
end if
end try
-- add the parent element for the new data record and check for error
revAddXMLNode tDocID, tParentNode, thisI, ""
put the result into tSubNode
checkForError tSubNode
repeat with i = 1 to tDataA["Length"]
switch thisI
case "customers"
put "companyName" into tPrimary
put "companyNo,contactPerson,officePh,email" into tFldList
end switch
put tDataA["Data", i, tPrimary] into tFirst
repeat for each item thisFld in tFldList
put tDataA["Data", i, thisFld] into t[thisFld]
end repeat
revSetXMLAttribute tDocID, tSubNode, "IDnum", i
checkForError the result
revAddXMLNode tDocID, tSubNode, tFirst, ""
checkForError the result
put tSubNode & "/" & tFirst into tSubNode1
-- format & display the text version of the new XML document
put formatXMLtext(tDocID) into fld "XMLtext"
set the xmlstring of fld "xmlTree" to fld "XMLtext"
end repeat
end mouseUp
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joel Guillod" <joel.guillod at net2000.ch>
To: <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: XML Tree and spaces
Hello Nic,
Of course you'll get an answer but please, give an exemple of the xml
data and node content you have problem with and the function you use
to retrieve its content. Neither in my own use of xml nor by using
the Sarah's XML Demo stack (http://www.troz.net/Rev/tutorials/
XMLdemo1.rev.gz)for a rapid check, I was able to reproduce the
behavior your mentionned. So please, be more precise...
Le 2 mai 07 à 14:00, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com a écrit :
> De : "Nic Prioleau" <nickp at didata.bw>
> [...]
> If I create an xml tree and I have spaces in one of the node values, it
> will only show the first part of the value before the space. Is there
> anything anyone can tell me here? Am I not allowed to use spaces here? It
> would seem a bit limiting if I did?!
> [...]
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-------------- next part --------------
local sLine
function IsXMLErr @rpResult
if item 1 of rpResult is "XMLerr" then return true
else return false
end IsXMLErr
setProp XMLdocument newdocid
revDeleteXMLTree the DocID of me
set the DocID of me to newdocid
end XMLDocument
setprop XMLDispString xmldata
revDeleteXMLTree the DocID of me
put revCreateXMLTree(xmldata,"false") into tresult
if IsXMLErr(tresult) is false then
set the DocID of me to tresult
else put tresult into msg
set the XMLDispString of me to xmldata
end XMLDispString
setprop XMLString xmldata
revDeleteXMLTree the DispDocID of me
put revCreateXMLTree(xmldata,"false") into tresult
if IsXMLErr(tresult) is false then
set the DispDocID of me to tresult
else put tresult into msg
set the XMLDispString of me to xmldata
end XMLString
on hilitenode selectednode
if tnode is not empty then
revSetXMLAttribute the DocID of me,selectednode,"expanded","true"
set the hilitednode of me to selectednode
clicktree selectednode,isexpanded
select line lineoffset(selectednode, the xmlpathlist of me) of me
end if
end hilitenode
on mouseup
lock screen
put scroll of me into oldscroll
put the hilitedline of me into sline
put line sline of the xmlpathlist of me into selectednode
if selectednode is not empty then
put true into isexpanded
if revXMLAttribute( the DocID of me,selectednode,"expanded") is "true" then put false into isexpanded
revSetXMLAttribute the DocID of me,selectednode,"expanded", isexpanded
set the hilitednode of me to selectednode
clicktree selectednode,isexpanded
select line sline of me
set scroll of me to oldscroll
end if
unlock screen
getNodeValues selectednode
end mouseup
on buildtree
put the milliseconds into tseconds
put the DocID of me into docid
put 0 into depth
put revXMLRootNode(docid) into curchild
if IsXMLErr(curchild) is true then
put curchild into msg
exit buildtree
end if
repeat forever
put false into wasexpanded
put empty into nextchild
if revXMLAttribute(docid,curchild,"expanded") is "true" or depth is 0 then
put revXMLFirstChild(docid,curchild) into nextchild
--answer nextchild
if nextchild is not empty then
if depth is not 0 then put tab after depthbuffer
add 1 to depth
put true into wasexpanded
end if
end if
if nextchild is empty and depth is not 0 then
put revXMLNextSibling(docid,curchild) into nextchild
repeat while nextchild is empty and depth is not 0
put revXMLParent(docid,curchild) into nextchild
if nextchild is not empty then
put nextchild into curchild
subtract 1 from depth
delete last char of depthbuffer
end if
if depth is 0 then
put empty into nextchild
exit repeat
end if
put revXMLNextSibling(docid,nextchild) into nextchild
end repeat
end if
if nextchild is empty then exit repeat
put nextchild into curchild
put curchild&cr after pathlist
set the itemdelimiter to "/"
put "<p>"&depthbuffer after treelist
if revXMLNumberOfChildren(docid,curchild,"",0) > 0 then
if revXMLAttribute(docid,curchild,"expanded") is not "true" then put "<img src=""e&the expandimage of me"e&"> " after treelist
else put "<img src=""e&the collapseimage of me"e&"> " after treelist
else put "<img src=""e&the nochildimage of me"e&"> " after treelist
put revXMLAttribute(docid,curchild,"icon") into nodeicon
if IsXMLErr(nodeicon) is false and nodeicon is not empty then put "<img src=""e&nodeicon"e&"> " after treelist
if the labelbyname of me is true then put revXMLAttribute(docid,curchild,"name")&"</p>"&cr after treelist
else put item -1 of curchild&"</p>"&cr after treelist
set the itemdelimiter to comma
end repeat
--put the milliseconds - tseconds
set the htmltext of me to treelist
delete last char of pathlist
set the xmlpathlist of me to pathlist
end buildtree
----------------------------------USER DEFINED HANDLERS
on getNodeValues theNode
local tStart, tDocID, tParentNode, tNode, tChild, tFirst, tLast
put sLine - 1 into tStart
if tStart < 1 then exit to top
if tStart is empty then exit to top
put getTreeID() into tDocID
--put docid into tDocID
-- setup the display field for text instead of an XML tree
set the tabStops of fld "XMLtext" to 60
-- find the root tag for this tree
--addToTranscript "revXMLRootNode(" & tDocID & ")"
put revXMLRootNode(tDocID) into tParentNode
--addToTranscript tParentNode
--addToTranscript "revXMLMatchingNode(" & tDocID & ", " & q(theNode) & ", , " & q("IDnum") & ", " & tStart & ", -1)"
put revXMLMatchingNode(tDocID, theNode, , "IDnum", tStart, -1) into tNode
--addToTranscript tNode
put theNode & cr & cr into fld "XMLtext"
--addToTranscript "revXMLChildContents(" & tDocID & ", " & q(tNode) & ", tab, cr, -1)"
put revXMLChildContents(tDocID, theNode, tab, cr, true, -1) into tChild
put tChild after fld "XMLtext"
end getNodeValues
on clicktree selectednode,isexpanded
end clicktree
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