must externals be written in only in C/C++ ?

Dave dave at
Fri Mar 23 05:43:42 EDT 2007


If you can get the header generated so that it can be identified  
correctly then it should  work in any language. The project I am  
working on uses a library that is written in Pascal. I used  
FreePascal to compile it then included it into a C/C++ Wrapper XCode  
Project. The C/C++ layer just coverts the parametesr received from  
RunRev and calsl the appropriate function(s) in the Pascal Library.  
This works pretty well although it's harder to Debug, but a lot  
better option than converting the Library from Pascal to C/C++.

All the Best

On 23 Mar 2007, at 01:12, Bernard Devlin wrote:

> I'm just wondering if they can be written e.g. using FreePascal (it  
> seems to have performance lying in the range between C and C++ and  
> it is cross-platform).
> Bernard
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