Mouse messages while down

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Mar 18 20:50:00 EDT 2007

On Sat, 17 Mar 2007 19:50:40 -0700, Jim Ault wrote:

>> The problem is that no other messages seem to be sent while the mouse
>> is down (mouseEnter, mouseLeave, mouseStillDown etc). I can detect
>> mouseRelease but "the target" is my original button so it doesn't tell
>> me where the mouse is now. Checking "the mouseControl" in the
>> mouseRelease handler also gives the original target.
>> It's looking as if I may have to do some continuous polling, but I
>> know that is generally frowned upon, so I would be grateful for any
>> other suggestions.

Here's what worked for me (put this in the card script):

global gDragging

on mouseDown
  if word 1 of the name of the target is "button" then
    put true into gDragging
    pass mouseDown 
  end if
end mouseDown

on mouseMove
  if gDragging and the mouse is up then
    send "GetTarget" to me in 20 milliseconds
    put false into gDragging
  end if
  pass mouseMove
end mouseMove

on GetTarget
    put the short name of the mouseControl  -- or anything else you 
want to do with it
  catch tError
    -- it would get here if you released over the card itself
  end try
end GetTarget

Hope this works for you...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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