shell() in a separate thread with callback message at exit?
Sarah Reichelt
sarah.reichelt at
Sun Mar 11 18:15:40 EDT 2007
On 3/8/07, Joel Guillod <joel.guillod at> wrote:
> How can I implement the following features:
> - invoque a shell command in a separate thread, i.e. a non blocking
> shell during execution of the command;
> - receive a callback message with the output and the error result
> when the thread exits?
> This would be some function similar to the load command, i.e.:
> shellExecute commandLine [with message callbackMessage]
> where
> The commandLine is a string or an expression that evaluates to a
> string.
> The callbackMessage is the name of a message to send after the
> shell exited.
> The callbackMessage signature would be:
> on <callbackMessage> pCmdOutput,pCmdError,pShellError
> where
> - pCmdOutput is the value returned by the shell function, i.e. the
> result of the sdtout commandLine, including any error messages the
> commandLine generates.
> - pCmdError is the error the command generate (sdterr under unix).
> - pShellError is the shell command's exit code.
Hi Joel,
This isn't exactly what you described, but here is how I do it. Start
the shell command running in the background but directing it's output
to a text file. Then have a loop to check for this text file until it
appears or until a time out period has elapsed.
Here is an example script that does a ping. The handler includes the
post-processing of the result, but you can just ignore that.
function checkPing pIP
put specialFolderPath("Desktop") & "/ping.txt" into tFileName
if there is a file tFileName then delete file tFileName
put "ping -c1 -n " & pIP into tShellCmd
put " > " & tFileName & " 2>&1 &" after tShellCmd
get shell(tShellCmd)
put 0 into timeCheck
repeat 50 times
wait 1 tick with messages
if there is a file tFileName then
put URL ("file:" & tFileName) into tRes
if tRes is empty then next repeat -- file created but no result yet
put wordOffset("loss", tRes) into tWord
if tWord = 0 then next repeat -- file created but result
not complete
put word tWord-2 of tRes into tPercent
if tPercent = "0%" then return true
else return false
end if
end repeat
if there is a file tFileName then delete file tFileName
return false
end checkPing
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