Moving a File

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Tue Mar 6 23:18:18 EST 2007

Again, I don't see that big a reason for complaining and I don't 
think it's a bug. I would have a hard time with a function that might 
give me a dialog asking me if it's ok to overwrite or not. I would 
rather have the primitive and do the dialog and checking myself, as 
you have.

You're right in saying the docs could reflect more about this, 
however. And the naming conventions -- don't get me started -- look 
at "destroystack". That's the most misleading.

cool ......  "The Wilds of Kent".

>I can't BZ it cos I'm working away in wilds of Kent and I can't log 
>on for some reason.
>Do you really think it's worth reporting it? I mean nothing else 
>ever seems to get fixed, so really what's the point. I know about it 
>now and have protected myself by making "Move" and "Rename" 
>functions that do all the checking the base command should do.
>Take Care and All the Best


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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