Code like a girl...

Dave dave at
Tue Mar 6 05:42:46 EST 2007

On 6 Mar 2007, at 10:31, Kay C Lan wrote:

>> From the article:
> Things that aren't just functional, but easy to read, elegantly
>> maintainable, easier--and more joyful--to use, and sometimes flat- 
>> out sexy.
> Yes, Apple has made some highly desirable hardware, the outward  
> appearance
> of a program can be downright gorgeous - some of Scott Rossi's come  
> to mind.
> Rev code is much easier on my brain than any other, BUT if I were  
> ever to
> meet a person who looked at the underlying code and described it as  
> 'sexy' I
> could only assume they missed a few key point in 'birds n bees'  
> 101 ;-)

Yeah! There isn't much about code that turns me on either!!! Mind you  
I've seen some really horrendous code in my time. One such example  
was a single C function that spanned 5 pages, used (and re-used)  
single character local variables. It was coded by someone who's first  
language was French (mine is English) and used French Abbreviations  
for the few structures it accessed and had but one comment which was  
right at the end. The line read:

return(-1);  /* merde */


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