XP and Vista question

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Fri Mar 2 14:25:05 EST 2007

Roger.E.Eller wrote;
> On 03/02/2007 at 1:28 PM, Ken Ray <kray at sonsothunder.com> wrote:
>> Actually it's kind of worse than that. Microsoft does not allow any of 
>> the Basic or Home versions to be used in virtualilzed environments. You 
>> need to purchase the Business or Ultimate version to allow for that 
>> (BTW, they're getting a lot of heat for that, which they *should* IMHO).
> I love running virtual machines too, but how is this any different than 
> what Apple is doing?

At least Apple has a business viability reason:  Apple sells computers, 
so if someone can run OS X on a non-Apple computer they lose a lot of money.

But Microsoft doesn't sell computers, only operating systems.  It 
doesn't affect them in any way whether I run my legally-purchased copy 
of Windows on a box made by Dell, or Gateway, Apple, or build my own 
with parts from Fry's.  Microsoft makes the same amount of money no 
matter where I run the OS.

I guess now that the dozens of class-action suits against MS have slowed 
down the company is feeling lonely and acting out to get attention. :)

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com       http://www.FourthWorld.com

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