AIR (Addobe Integrated Runtime) example done in Rev

Bill Marriott wjm at
Wed Jun 27 01:33:36 EDT 2007

Indeed, it is a competitor but overall I think it's good for Rev as it 
validates the importance of desktop applications. The only reason to use 
AIR/Apollo is that it would be easier than using traditional desktop 
programming languages to get things done -- largely because you are familiar 
with ActionScript/Flash/JavaScript.

Revolution is easier still, and growing more powerful all the time. The new 
browser integration, for example, means you can embed Flash in your Rev 
solutions quite easily.

> Still, AIR (or Apollo or whatever it ends up being called) would seem to 
> be
> a direct competitor to Rev with a large existing user-base (Flash/Flex) 
> and
> you can bet it will get lots of attention in the coming months no matter 
> how
> easy or hard it is to use.

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