character to justify text

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Wed Jun 27 00:57:55 EDT 2007

Not true. The Rev team isn't really focused or influenced by this 
list. They don't have the time. This list is a help list, not a 
suggestion box. That's why the Quality Control Center (Formerly 
Bugzilla) is the best way to communicate your needs if something is 
needed or missing. If you are an Enterprise customer, there is 
another list, the Improve list, and many design suggestions are put 
forth there, and some of the Rev team and often the CEO will show up 

I'm obliged to an NDA, all I can say is stay tuned, many of your 
wishes will be granted soon.

>If nobody ever discussed it then the Rev team would think that
>people really don't want it anyway.


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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